Often you need a credit card from the country the account is based in, but it is possible to do it without. You can set yourself up with an iTunes account in a country that does have the app on the App Store, then download it "legitimately". The other way is less permanently but also not ideal.

Then you need to find the app on a Jailbreak site to install. You can Jailbreak your iPhone, for example, but that isn't ideal and invalidates your phone's warranty. It is also possible to get Pokemon Go for iPhone ahead of its general release in your area, but it takes a lot more effort. We have noticed that the APK updates as the official app is launched in your country. Of course, this does come with risks, as installing apps from unknown locations can expose you to the risk of installing apps that have been tampered with.

Throw a Poke Ball at it and you can add that Pokemon to your collection. Scan your surroundings while out and about and a wild Pokemon might pop up on your screen for you to catch. Pokemon Go is an AR game that sends you out in the real world to find hidden virtual Pokemon. And we explain a bit about it, including some of the funniest places where Pokemon have been found in the real world. We detail below the steps you can take to download and play the game, even though it's not yet officially available. Do you wonder how?įor Android phone users it's actually quite simple. Some are even coming from countries where the augmented reality game is yet to be released. (Pocket-lint) - Now that Pokemon Go has been officially released, there are reports of virtual Pokemon being captured around the globe.